In July 2022, among the EU Member States for which data are available, Poland granted the highest number of temporary protection statuses to Ukrainians fleeing Ukraine (57 290) as a consequence of Russia’s invasion. Poland was followed by Italy (11 020), Romania (7 395), Bulgaria (6 465) and Spain (6 305).

Compared with June 2022, the number of Ukrainians receiving temporary protection fell in 19 of the 22 EU Member States with available data. The largest decreases were observed in Italy (-12 170 people compared with June 2022), followed by Spain (-4 910), Denmark (-3 330), Romania (-2 965), Hungary (-2 855) and Poland (-2 835). Meanwhile, the only increases were recorded in Sweden (+405), Estonia (+160) and Slovenia (+30).

Based on the available data as of 31st July 2022, Poland had a total of 1.3 million Ukrainians benefitting from temporary protection. Italy (142 330 Ukrainian beneficiaries), Spain (131 705), Bulgaria (125 275), Slovakia (82 995), Austria (73 785) and France (69 190) were the other Member States with the highest total numbers of Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection.

Data presented in this article refer to the grants of temporary protection based on the Council Implementing Decision 2022/382 of 4 March 2022, establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection.

Compared with the population of each Member State, the ratio of granted temporary protections per thousand inhabitants was low. The highest ratio of Ukrainian citizens granted temporary protection in July 2022 was recorded in Estonia (2.0 granted temporary protection per thousand inhabitants), followed by Poland (1.5), Lithuania (1.3), Ireland and Latvia (both 1.1).

Over one quarter of Ukrainians seeking protection in Poland were children

Poland granted the highest number of temporary protections for Ukrainian children (persons under 18 years old), a total of 15 615 (equivalent to 27% of Ukrainians granted protection in Poland in July 2022), followed by Italy (3 870, 35%) and Romania (2 290, 31%).

Notably, in all countries for which July 2022 data are available, children below the age of 14 represented more than two-thirds of all children granted temporary protection.

Predominantly Ukrainian females seeking protection in the EU Member States

In the EU Member States for which data are available, the majority of Ukrainians granted temporary protection were females, including girls. The largest number of females who received temporary protection were reported by Poland (37 590, or 66% of the Ukrainians granted protection in Poland in July), Italy (7 905, or 72%), Romania (4 060, or 55%), Bulgaria (3 800, or 59%) and Spain (3 540, or 56%).

Ukrainian boys below 18 years old represented more than half of the temporary protection requests granted in Italy (63%) and Malta (58%). In Denmark, their share accounted for 50%, while in Sweden (22%) and Portugal (26%) they represented around one-quarter of the requests.